Instructions for Contributors

WORLD LITERATURE STUDIES is a double-blind peer-reviewed open access journal published by the Institute of World Literature, Slovak Academy of Sciences. It features scholarly articles and reviews in general and comparative literary studies, translation studies, and related interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary areas.

The issues are thematic and calls for papers are advertised here. We publish in English, German, French, Slovak and Czech, with abstracts in English.

Please send manuscripts (written in the languages specified in the CFPs, each with an English abstract) to and to the editors of the particular thematic issues, as advertised in the respective CFPs. The editors and editorial board reserve the right not to accept a full-length manuscript if it does not thematically or ethically fit the conception of the issue or the journal. There is no article processing charge.

All contributions should be written in compliance with the WLS Code of Ethics. By submitting their work to WORLD LITERATURE STUDIES, the author declares that it has not been previously published and pledges to renounce any claim to remuneration based on the article no. 618/2003 (Slovak) Coll. about authorial and related rights. The author may republish the article in a monograph with a third-party publisher, provided that full acknowledgments are made in the monograph to the original publication, and that the author informs WORLD LITERATURE STUDIES.

Authors receive one free hard copy of the journal issue and an electronic offprint of their article in PDF format.

In case the author does not follow the Instructions for Contributors or the language level of the article is of low quality (too many grammatical errors, unnatural language, inappropriate and unclear style, etc.), the editorial staff of WORLD LITERATURE STUDIES reserves the right to return the study for revision. If the author fails to provide the article in the proper format and at an adequate stylistic level within a suitable time, the staff of WORLD LITERATURE STUDIES shall reject the manuscript.

Types of contributions:

  • articles (up to 36,000 characters incl. spaces) – original scholarly studies based on primary research;
  • materials, discussions (up to 18,000 characters incl. spaces) – summarizing, informative or explanatory texts on current topics and issues in the areas of literary studies and other humanities;
  • reviews – preferably analytical reviews of scholarly publications in the field of general or comparative literature studies or translation studies (analytical reviews 5,400–9,000 characters incl. spaces; informative reviews up to 5,400 characters inc. spaces).
  • reports – of exceptional events such as conferences, seminars, etc. are published sporadically

Format and style of manuscripts:

  • Basic format: formats doc, docx, odt; type Times New Roman; size 12; double lines; left-justified; paragraph division with tabs; no empty line; no double spaces;
  • Text structure: title (max. 190 characters incl. spaces and subtitle; only the first word and proper names should be capitalized in the title), author’s name, abstract in English (app. 600 characters inc. spaces) inc. article title in English and 4 – 6 keywords separated with a period (Key word 1. Key word 2. Key word 3…), author’s address (name, institution, email address, ORCID); article text divided by unnumbered secondary titles; notes (if any); references (works cited are to be listed under the secondary title References, see examples below)

Language (and translation) policy:

  • if a quotation is translated, always acknowledge the name of its translator (e.g. in Referencies list). In case all the translations are by the same translator, mention their name only at the first appearance of their translation and duly note that all translations have been done by them; translation by the author of the article may be noted as follows: “Translation by the present author” / “Unless otherwise noted all translations from [language(s)] are by the present author.”;
  • if transliterating text from different alphabets, authors should state which norm the transliteration is based on, and do so coherently and systematically throughout the study;
  • authors are encouraged to use gender-inclusive language in their contributions;
  • In-text quotations:
    • quotations under four lines are to be distinguished by double quotation marks; longer quotations should go in a separate indented paragraph with no quotation marks;
    • quotations within quotations are to be marked by single quotation marks;
    • add a short bibliographic reference after each quotation – (Foucault 1966, 115); if the author’s name is already cited before the quotation, do not repeat it in the reference – (1966, 115); in case of repeated consecutive quotations from the same source, refer only to the specific page number – (115);
    • quotations from foreign languages are to be translated if needed and the original as well as the information about author of the translation must be provided in endnotes; in case of long quotations, refer only to key terms in the original (in an endnote or directly in the text);
    • Notes: use endnotes, limited to a minimum; they should contain only the information that cannot be included in the text and is necessary for understanding;
  • Use italics to mark –
    • Name of work of visual, literary or performing art, such as novels, collections of poems/short stories, sculptures, movies, paintings etc. (Macbeth, Le nozze di Figaro, Guernica, Un chien andalou);
    • Titles of books and periodicals (On the origins of species, the journal World Literature Studies);
    • Terminology, concepts and constructs requiring emphasis;
    • DO NOT use italics to mark names of events, festivals, web pages, institutions, organizations, groups of artists (Generación del 98), Latin words and phrases (de facto, per se);
  • Use “quotation marks” to mark:
    • Titles of parts of an art/academic work (short story, poem, chapter etc.)
    • Titles of articles
  • Bold: Use bold only in title and secondary titles.
  • Use [square brackets] to indicate:
    • omissions in quotations (with the ellipsis sign […])
    • the year when the cited source was first published: e. g. Foucault ([1966] 2000). Mark this information only when first mentioned in the text as well as in a list of sources.

Please write your text in a manner that would not allow it to be easily identifiable as your own during the peer-reviewing process, i.e. avoid formulations like “As I have mentioned in my previous work” if possible, and limit your self-quotations to a necessary minimum. 

References in the text
Include the last name of author, the year of publication, and a page number (if necessary) in parentheses. A comma should be placed after the year of publication and before the page number. All references mentioned in the text must be listed in the literature section as well. Use en dash with range of pages.

Single author:
(Surname Year, Page)
(Taylor 2015, 210–219)

Two or three authors:
(Surname and Surname and Surname Year, Page)
(Taylor and Smith, 166)

Four and more authors:
(Surname et al. Year, Pages)
(Taylor et al. 1998, 2–13)

Personal communication:
(Šulaj 2021, pers. comm.)

Indirect quotation from another source:
(cited in Surname Year, Page)
(Connor cited in Taylor 2018, 6)


References must be listed in alphabetical order. Publications by the same author must be listed chronologically in ascending order. If there are two or more works by the same author published in the same year, they should be differentiated by suffixing alphabetically ordered letters to the publication year (e.g. 2015a, 2015b) in the order they appear in article. Of course, this letter coding must be followed in text references as well.
The section must include all (and only) references that are actually mentioned in the text.


Single author:
Surname, Name. Year. Title of the Monograph. City: Publisher.
Pucherová, Dobrota. 2011. The Ethics of Dissident Desire in Southern African Writing. Trier: WVT Wissenschaftlicher Verlag Trier.
Görözdi, Judit. 2019. Dejiny v súčasných maďarských románoch [History in contemporary Hungarian novels]. Bratislava: Veda, vydavateľstvo SAV and Ústav svetovej literatúry SAV.

Surname, Name. Year. Title of the Book. Trans. by Name Surname. City: Publisher.
Latour, Bruno. 2018. Down to Earth: Politics in the New Climatic Regime. Trans. by Catherine Porter. Cambridge: Politi.

Multiple authors:
Surname, Name, and Name Surname. Year. Title of the Book. City: Publisher.
Mikuláš, Roman, and Andrea Mikulášová. 2011. Grundfragen der Literaturwissenschaft: Theorien, Methoden, Tendenzen. Teil 1. Nümbrecht: Kirsch-Verlag.
Clute, John, David Langford, Peter Nicholls, and Graham Sleight. 2019. Encyclopedia of Science Fiction. Third Edition. Accessed December 15, 2020.

Surname, Name, ed(s). Year. Title of the Book. City: Publisher.
Suwara, Bogumila, and Mariusz Pisarski, eds. 2019. Remediation: Crossing Discursive Boundaries. Central European Perspective. Berlin: Peter Lang and Bratislava: Veda, vydavateľstvo SAV. DOI:

Surname, Name. Year. “Title of the Part of the Book.” In Title of the Book, ed. by Name(s) of the editor(s), Page range. City: Publisher.
Bednárová, Katarína. 2010. „Écriture migrante et traduction.” In Francographies : Identité et altérité dans les espaces francophones europeéens, ed. by Susan Bainbrigge, Joy Charnley, and Caroline Verdier, 349–363. New York, NY: Peter Lang.

Surname, Name. Year. “Title of the Article.” Title of the journal Volume, Number: Page range.
Sabatos, Charles. 2020. “Bratislava as a Cultural Borderland in the Danubian Narratives of Patrick Leigh Fermor and Claudio Magris.” World Literature Studies 12, 4: 3–19.

Surname, Name. Year (when published if available). “Title of the article.” Title of website. Accessed on Month Day, Year. Link/DOI.
Pearce Rotondi, Jessica. 2011. “How Coffee Fueled Revolutions — And Revolutionary Ideas.” History. Accessed on May 31, 2021.

Surname, Name. Year (when defended). “Title of the Thesis.” Type of thesis, Name of university and faculty, URL or name of database, if consulted online.
Fosse, Anna. 2017. “Tragika a tragédia v súčasnej severskej dráme” [Tragedy and the Tragic in Contemporary Nordic Drama]. Ph.D. Dissertation, Comenius University in Bratislava.
Cotter, Cory. “The Weakest Link: The Argument for On-Wrist Band Welding.” Unpublished manuscript, last modified December 3, 2008. Microsoft Word file.

Name, Surname. “Title.” Lecture/presentation at Name of institution/Title of conference, Event, Place of event, Month, Year.

Name, Surname. 2021. Email/Personal communication/Letter. Date.

Reviews must start with the following details about the publication:

Reviews of edited volumes:
BOGUMIŁA SUWARA – MARIUSZ PISARSKI (eds.): Remediation: Crossing Discursive Boundaries. Central European Perspective
Berlin: Peter Lang Verlag – Bratislava: Veda, vydavateľstvo SAV, 2019. 368 pp. ISBN 978-3-631-79506-4. DOI:

Reviews of monographs:
FRANCESCA FERRANDO: Philosophical Posthumanism
London: Bloomsbury Academic, 2019. 272 pp. ISBN 978-1-3500-5950-4

If the publication is written in any other language than English, provide an informative translation of its title as seen in the example below:
JUDIT GÖRÖZDI: Dejiny v súčasných maďarských románoch [History in contemporary Hungarian novels]. Bratislava: Ústav svetovej literatúry SAV – Veda, vydavateľstvo SAV, 2019. 168 pp. ISBN 978-80-224-1774-7

Reviews do not include a list of references. If you refer to other works, please provide the reference along with the year of publication directly in the text.


Translated books:
If the quoted text (monograph, article, preface etc.) is translated, provide the name(s) of the translator(s). Also provide the year of the original publication in brackets, as shown in the example:
Hermans, Willem Frederik [1949] 2021. Slzy akácií. Trans. by Adam Bžoch. Bratislava: Slovart.

In the text of the study, use italics only in the case of published book translations (as shown below in example a). Include the year of publication of both the original and the translation. In case of an informative, literal translation of a book title (that has not been published in translation as shown in example b), do not use italics:
a) Ernest Hemingway’s A Farewell to Arms (1929; Zbohom zbraniam, 1964, trans. by Alfonz Bednár);
b) Sklený vrch by Alfonz Bednár (Glass Mountain, 1954)


If the cited publication has a DOI link, always provide it at the end of the reference:
Adams, Mark B. 2000. “Last Judgment: The Visionary Biology of J.B.S. Haldane.” Journal of the History of Biology 33, 3: 457–491. DOI:

For more information, consult the Chicago Manual of Style online at: